Kindergarten graduation is the first real milestone that children have in school. The kindergarten graduation songs can add to the celebratory and memorable atmosphere.
I like to use the popular kindergarten graduation song parodies made exclusively for this event. The parents know the songs, and who are we kidding? This day is really for them.
I am not sure who it was that made up the words to these songs, but I want to thank them. Parents always compliment me on the fun songs that we sing for graduation.
Here are my favorite kindergarten graduation songs and ideas.
Kindergarten Nights (Summer Nights)
This is honestly my favorite. Maybe, it is because I love John Travolta. Or, maybe it is because it lends itself to the cutest movements ever. Regardless, everyone is impressed with this kindergarten graduation song. Words can be found here.
Kindergarten, Kindergarten (Love and Marriage)
Because my last name is Barton, we sing, “Kindergarten with Ms. Barton,” but “Kindergarten, Kindergarten” is just as cute.
The music to this song fits the lyrics perfectly. Click for the words.
First Grade, First Grade (New York, New York)
I found this song when my daughter’s kindergarten teacher used it for her kindergarten graduation. It is so adorable that I asked her for a copy of the words. This song is a timeless favorite.
Also, kindergarten students doing a kick line is priceless. Click for the words.
Other great kindergarten graduation songs are KinderFunk, Time to Graduate, We are the Champions.
Army Chant
I love this one as it is so easy for the kids to perform because they are just imitating what you say. The students also love this kindergarten graduation song/chant. They cannot contain their enthusiasm when they say, “Left, right, left right.”
One Small Voice
This song is perfect for the last song. It is very beautiful when the kids sing it with the sign language actions. Parents will be extremely touched by this number.
Kindergarten Banner
Making a classroom banner to display at kindergarten graduation is a fun decoration that your students will love. Having the students place their hand prints on the banner helps each child to play a bigger part in the celebration.
All you need is butcher paper and some paint and a bunch of little hands. Paint Reach For the Stars in big letters and paint or punch out some stars to go along with the hand prints. Voila!
Kindergarten Poem 
If you have a Cricut, you can make letters in the word to be held up. Luckily, the word Kindergarten is long This allows two students to hold up one letter in the word.
K is for kindergarten! Hip, hip hooray!
I is for imagination. We use every day.
N is for numbers. We know, one two three.
D is for drawing, the best you can see.
E is for exercise to keep our bodies strong.
R is for reading books all day long.
G is for good friends. We make more every day.
A is for the alphabet we know how to say.
R is for remembering everything we learned.
T is for treats that we sometimes earned.
E is for excitement. This year we had some.
N is for next year. First grade here we come.
Kindergarten T-Shirts
I saw this idea in a newspaper article, and I had to use it. Students draw their faces on a small square of paper. Each individual drawing is placed on the shirt to make a classroom portrait. The shirts are always over-sized, and they wear them proudly for many years to come. I have spotted an occasional third grader sporting this kindergarten keepsake.
We all know that parents are going to be looking at one person: their child. Each of those special students should have an opportunity to say something if you are doing the graduation as an individual class.
Having the students introduce themselves and say what they want to be when they grow up or their favorite part of kindergarten is very entertaining. This can be done as the students are being handed their diplomas.
Slide Show
Collecting pictures throughout the year and putting them to music is simple and easy these days. I have a created a slideshow and scrapbook template that will make things easier. Most phones can do this with a touch of a button on I MOVIE. Kindergarten is a special year. This is a day that parents will often recall forever. Having a sweet song with adorable innocent pictures often evokes tears of pride.
Daughter (applies to boys too)
The Eye of the Tiger (Field Day pics)
Kindergarten graduation is an occasion that parents and students will look back on proudly. My daughter is graduating from high school this year, but I will always remember her sweet face at her kindergarten graduation.
These kindergarten graduation songs and ideas will help you create a celebration that will be forever remembered and appreciated.
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