Why I Love this 3d Shapes Center (and you will too)

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3d Shapes is a standard that is taught and mastered in kindergarten. As teachers, we do not want to make everything ourselves At least, this teacher doesn’t.

There are many resources on TPT that provide activities for 3D shapes. Sometimes, these activities look great on paper.

Unfortunately, they don’t always translate into engaged learning. So, I am constantly on the lookout for centers that will teach these skills, but most importantly, keep my students busy for more than sixty seconds.

What does Dive into 3D Shapes contain?

  • There are 15 double-sided activity cards that illustrate beautifully how to create 30 different shape creations.
  • The cards start with simple 2D shapes such as triangle, square and rectangle. Then, they move up to more difficult 3d shape challenges. Students copy each card.
  • There are 3 different sized straight sticks in three different colors. 60 sticks make up the entire set.
  • 2 different colored connector balls. These balls have holes that the sticks connect to. The holes are at different angles allowing for the creation of 2d and 3d shapes.
  • There are 20 bendable curved pieces that enable spheres, circle and cylinders to be constructed.

Dive Into 2d and 3d Shapes Pros and Cons


  • Cards are easy for students to copy and follow the directions.
  • 2d and 3d shapes can be created.
  • This product does a great job of teaching shapes through hands on learning,
  • Children can develop creativity and make other objects.
  • Keeps children completely engaged.
  • This would be appropriate for students aged 4 and up.
  • Differentiation is easy as students can create 2d or more challenging 3d shapes.
  • High durability of pieces made of heavy duty plastic.


  • Students have some problems inserting the sticks into the correct angled connectors.
  • Connections can be a little loose
  • Not enough pieces for many children to use at one time.

3d shapes

Why I love this center

 If you teach kindergarten, I know you understand why engagement is one of the top characteristics we look for in a product.

Do you want your students rolling around the floor or cutting each other’s hair? Probably not the best usage of time.

I have used this center at least 10 times this year. If I am having a rough day and want my students engaged, I pull out the Dive into Shapes Center.

If it’s a day before a holiday, a windy day or Snack Shack Day, out comes the shape center. Do the students complain and say, “Again???” No, they love it as much as I do.

Do they learn every time they use this product? 100 percent, Yes!!!! 2d and 3d shapes are important standards.

This product reinforces these concepts in a fun and hands on way. Students learn the best when they are actually doing and creating.

90 percent of my class knows what each shape is because they make them regularly.

Final Thoughts

Honestly, I am going to buy another one of these. The main downside of this product is that there are not enough pieces for five students to work on their shapes at the same time.

My students make their shapes with different colored pieces from what is on their cards. It works for them, and they don’t complain.

I would like for them to be able to have enough pieces to follow the cards exactly.

The price of this product seems to be right on for the value. I can honestly say that Dive into Shapes is my go to center for teaching 3d shapes.


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