What is Unstructured Play and Why is it Important?

What is Unstructured Play and Why is it Important?

 What is unstructured play, and why is it so crucial for my child? Unstructured play is something that is important for your child in order to develop their confidence and sense of self. There are no set rules or restrictions during unstructured play, but it...

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How to Teach Kindergarten in 30 Easy Steps

How to Teach Kindergarten in 30 Easy Steps

So, you want to know how to teach kindergarten? Just follow these 30 easy steps, and it will all come together nicely.   1. Write a detailed plan to give to your administrator one week ahead of time.    2. Change plan to reteach today's lesson tomorrow, the next...

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Number Talks in Kindergarten (What, How and Why?)

Number Talks in Kindergarten (What, How and Why?)

About six years ago, my administrator told us at a staff meeting that we would be required to use Number Talks daily in our classrooms. Cue the eye rolls and whispering among teachers, including myself.  Another program that many of us knew nothing about is to be...

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What Effective Teacher Staff Meetings Look Like

What Effective Teacher Staff Meetings Look Like

It is said that teachers are the worst students. This is often because they feel as though their time is being wasted in teacher staff meetings and better spent in their classrooms.Time is extremely important to teachers: They don’t have much. Here are many ideas that...

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Kindergarten Teacher Blogs (The BEST of the BEST!!)

Kindergarten Teacher Blogs (The BEST of the BEST!!)

Kindergarten teacher blogs can be a lifesaver for kindergarten teachers and homeschooling parents.  Actually, any parent of a pre-school or kindergarten student will find a wealth of information that can help your child with social, emotional, and academic growth....

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