10 Awesome DIY Science Projects to do with Your Kids

10 Awesome DIY Science Projects to do with Your Kids

Description: With the right DIY science projects, you will be able to introduce your children to the world of science. These projects will help them develop quick and rational thinking. Learn more in our comprehensive article. Start now! Are you on a lookout for DIY...

How to get your Kids Excited about Outdoor Time

How to get your Kids Excited about Outdoor Time

Nearly 50 percent of parents feel their kids are addicted to their cell phones, and a staggering 62 percent of parents say their children have even used them to watch inappropriate videos on YouTube. These statistics don’t just represent teens, either. “Tweens” aged...

What is Unstructured Play and Why is it Important?

What is Unstructured Play and Why is it Important?

 What is unstructured play, and why is it so crucial for my child? Unstructured play is something that is important for your child in order to develop their confidence and sense of self. There are no set rules or restrictions during unstructured play, but it...

Budget-Friendly Ways to Improve Literacy through Music

Budget-Friendly Ways to Improve Literacy through Music

Are you an educator looking for creative ways to improve literacy in your classroom? Or, perhaps you are a parent who wants to help boost your children’s reading skills? Music is the perfect way to help children enhance their reading and communication skills while...

4 Fun Indoor Activities for Kids

4 Fun Indoor Activities for Kids

The boundless energy of kids can be lots of fun — but on days with bad weather, it can sometimes be difficult to find exciting and educational ways to direct that energy. Fortunately, even if you can't let your kids play outside, there's plenty you can do to bond with...

How to Teach Kindergarten in 30 Easy Steps

How to Teach Kindergarten in 30 Easy Steps

So, you want to know how to teach kindergarten? Just follow these 30 easy steps, and it will all come together nicely.   1. Write a detailed plan to give to your administrator one week ahead of time.    2. Change plan to reteach today's lesson tomorrow, the next...

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