Math Concepts in Kindergarten     

Math Concepts in Kindergarten     

What math concepts in kindergarten do your kids learn?      Our children learn various math topics throughout their many years of schooling. For parents, keeping up can be overwhelming. However, it is essential that we understand the major a concepts and ideas...

How to Teach Opinion Writing for Kids

How to Teach Opinion Writing for Kids

  Opinion writing for kids in kindergarten is my favorite concept to teach. But, it’s an all-out struggle. Rightly so, five year old students come to our classes without any previous experience with getting their thoughts on paper. Teachers often think that...

10 Best Teacher Side Hustles

10 Best Teacher Side Hustles

  Two things that teachers are lacking in are time and money. I may not be able to help with the time aspect, but maybe the money. The Side Hustle is a term that has gained in popularity for teachers. Most teachers have some sort of second job to make up for the...

Online Learning for Kindergarten Kids (COVID 19)

Online Learning for Kindergarten Kids (COVID 19)

To help contain COVID-19, many schools are shifting kids to online studying at home. Similarly, many mothers and fathers are being requested to work at home. These types of social distancing are needed to help slow the spread of the virus. But, many families now face...

Virtual Kindergarten Graduation Ideas

Virtual Kindergarten Graduation Ideas

Everybody needs virtual kindergarten graduation ideas this year. Things will look a tad bit different. They don't have to be that different though. Take what you do and adapt to the virtual world. Kindergarten graduation is the first real milestone that children have...

Why Telling White Lies is Bad

Why Telling White Lies is Bad

While most parents support an “honesty is the best policy” approach to raising their children, it’s often hard to make good on the promise. Difficult situations arise, and sometimes it’s easiest to push off those hard conversations until your child is older. When a...

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